Wednesday, March 28, 2012

TWArtists member highlight: 薄茵萍: sculptor, painter: member since March 2012

 薄 茵 萍





TWArtists member highlight: 張美華 JENNY M.CHANG: pastel painter, member since March 2012


1950 生於台灣彰化


1986 在楊城俄核俄州藝術學院進修 (~1988)
2000 拜張哲雄為師學習粉彩(~2002)
2001 美國國家藝術俱樂部研習粉彩
2002 拜康州Herman Margulies為師


2005 任北美粉彩畫家協會之會員資格審核主席
2005 任紐約女藝術家協會聯展救災義賣籌備召集人
2005 應邀參加國立台灣藝術教育館 “國際粉彩畫家邀請展”
2006 紐約第三屆女藝術家協會聯展 (Women Artists Associate of New York) 籌備兼主辦人
2007 獲得 Who’s Who in American 邀請參加殊榮
2009 奧杜邦藝術家協會理事,年刊負責人(~2010)


2005 應邀參加法國 “國際粉彩藝術沙龍” 聯展開幕盛會
2006 應邀參加法國 “國際粉彩藝術沙龍” 聯展開幕盛會
2006 榮獲奧杜邦藝術家粉彩畫公開賽佳作獎
2007 應邀參加法國 “國際粉彩藝術沙龍” 聯展開幕盛會
2008 99°藝術中心舉行雙人個展
2009 99°藝術中心舉行雙人個展
2010 應邀99藝術中心-國際粉彩十人聯展


2003 畫作「墨西哥小鎮」榮獲康州康乃狄克粉彩協會理事會傑出畫家獎
2004 作品「向日葵」獲得女畫家筆會靜物優秀畫家獎
2004 「家的回憶之二」獲得康州粉彩協會傑出作品獎
2005 作品「黃瓜」獲得台灣會館國際粉彩畫公開賽佳作獎
2005 作品「地鐵風貌」榮獲女畫家筆會公開賽粉彩第一名
2006 第二屆紐約台灣會館國際粉彩畫公開賽佳作獎
2006 作品「地鐵風貌-2」榮獲奧杜邦藝術家金牌獎殊榮


張美華是位優秀的台灣旅美畫家,她自幼便愛繪畫。二十多年前移民美國,於1986-1988年在楊城俄核俄州藝術學院進修,兒、女 長大後得以拜師習藝,曾在張哲雄的畫室進修五年,先由靜物寫生入手,而後再畫人物、風景。對於具有矇矓美感的粉彩色料情有獨鍾,並展現了她的才華,其作品 風格寫實兼具情趣。其優秀的粉彩作品曾先後獲得入選美國粉彩畫協會、奧杜邦藝術家、美國專業藝術家聯盟、婦女畫家筆會、康州康乃狄克粉彩協會等重要藝術組 織的公開賽,並多次獲獎。2006年“地鐵風貌-2”粉彩作品,獲得金牌獎殊榮。

Friday, March 16, 2012

TWArtists Member hightlight: Marlene Yseng Yu-- Painter-- member since Jan. 2012

Artist Bio:  Marlene Tseng Yu was born in Taiwan in 1937 and came to the U.S. in 1963.  From 1969 to 2007, she lived and worked in SoHo, New York City, and in 2008, opened a studio in Long Island City.  She received her Bachelor in Fine Arts degree from the National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei in 1960, and her Master in Fine Arts degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1967.  She taught art at Denver University in Colorado in 1967 to 1968.  Since 1994, she has been on the Advisory Committee of the Fine Arts Department of the University of Colorado at Boulder.  Since 1995, she has curated exhibitions for the new art movement, “Forces of Nature."  Marlene is Founder and Curator of the Rain Forest Art Foundation (2001 to present).

  • As of July 2011, Marlene Tseng Yu has had an impressive total of 66 solo exhibitions in the United States, Europe, and the Far East. 
  • Marlene’s art has been reviewed in 9 languages in more than 200 publications, by numerous art magazines, newspapers, TV, and radio shows, such as ARTFORUM, Art in America, Art News, World Journal, and Barbara Walters’ Today Show. 
  • Marlene’s has received several awards for achievement in the arts.  In 2005, she received the first “Muse” Fine Arts Award in the Muralist Paintings category at the inaugural ARTV Awards in Las Vegas. 
  • Marlene’s paintings are included in over 1000 public and private collections.  Marlene is able to do commission work according to requirements of large-scale architectural projects.
  • Artist Atatement:  The beauty of the universe changes with time. As the days pass and the seasons change, the sky, earth, mountains and rivers repeat in patterns that are never really quite the same. In my search for the variations of the many faces in nature, I have found that nature provides an infinite source of inspiration for artistic expression. I love the many elements in our environment, be they as broad as the horizon beyond or small as cells under the microscope. In this vast setting, I hope to capture the spirit of the universe, its rhythm and movements, its quiet and angry moods, its colors and forms...

    With the traditional Chinese and Western art training, together with my own experiments, I have sought to create techniques that can fully express my ideas and feelings. The techniques may vary greatly from painting to painting, as to embody the scope of my expression. The reference to nature is the focus of all my paintings. I have found that painting in water media - acrylic demands an absolute control of the medium to achieve the various effects, textures, and transparencies. The scale of the painting is a challenge, but not a limitation for me. To produce on canvas or paper what I have in my mind, my ideas and feelings on the universe, is a great challenge.
    --Marlene Tseng Yu, September 16, 1968